02 March 2010

British Broadcasting System

As we all know, the BBC is reigning champ of nerd information. The first of my two most used links access the BBC British History Timeline, which (interactively) allows users to scroll through historical eras, in what looks like some sort of radio-wave, Geiger-counter set-up. It's pretty neat, but the facts are limited in terms of what is provided as "History." For each "moment," however, there is a bubble that goes into further explanation, and usually links to articles and BBC programming related to that moment.
Good for quick updates on a historical period.

My other top link accesses the BBC Radio 4 program, In Our Time. Melvyn Bragg (above) and friends discuss the history of ideas, and each episode features discussion on a new topic, usually of great interest in some way to the nerd, with various professional nerds as guests and authorities.

Some of my favourites are: The Aeneid (21 April 2005), Epistolary Literature (15 March 2007), and Swift's A Modest Proposal (29 January 2009). Luckily, there is an archive sorted by genre, title, and era.

Could Melvyn Bragg be any more English? Doubtful, but what a babe.

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